Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

wow lama nian tak berjumpa dengan blog ini...
maafkan diri ini tak update lagi..
entah malas ato sibuk, bingung juga yaa...

tunggu aja yaa entri sya slnjutnya^^

Minggu, 09 Januari 2011

Be succes in this Year


we are not seriously realize, we have entered the beginning of new year...

it's so important to make the resolution for this year,

what we have to do to make the something new or improve what we already have.....

However you define it, we’re all working towards some sort of success. Whether that’s achieving wealth, happiness, fame, greater family togetherness, a stronger commitment to one’s faith or one’s vocation, or whatever else, we all want to succeed at everything we set out to do. Here’s tips to help make that happen in the coming year:

Let"s go guyzzzz :

  1. Set SMART goals. Don’t just make goals, make SMART goals. The idea of SMART goals is credited to George Doran, and stands for:
    • Specific: Goals should be as particular as possible.
    • Measurable: It should be possible to keep track of your progress. You can track weight loss on a chart, or check your salary to know if you’re moving towards your new salary goal, but you can’t measure progress towards, say, “be happier”.
    • Achievable: Unfulfilled goals make us feel terrible about ourselves, so make realistic goals.
    • Relevant: Is this a goal that a) will have an impact on your life, and b) that you are prepared to pursue? If not, maybe your goals should be to attain the skills and resources you need to tackle the bigger, more distant goal.
    • Time-bound: Give yourself a clearly defined end date to achieve your goals by. This gives you a sense of urgency, and also helps keep you focused — you want to lose 10 pounds by June, not at some point in the course of your life, right?
  2. Commit to a due date. Go through your list of projects and assign each one a due date. Do the same for any vague “I’d like to do this” things you have floating around in your head.
  3. Make a plan. How are you going to achieve success this year without a plan? Planning is the big “gotcha” for lots of people — we might have a big general plan, but when it comes time to sit down and actually do something, we have no idea what to do. Write a plan for achieving your goals in specific, discrete, and doable actions, one after the other. If some steps are contingent on actions or conditions you don’t know right now, sketch them out as well as you can. Make a contingency plan, too, in case things don’t go as you thought they would.
  4. Make it public. Share your goals and commitments with other people — your partner, your parents, your friends and co-workers, your blog audience, anyone — to make the commitment more real. If you’ve told everyone you’re going to finish your novel by June 30, then you’ll have a powerful incentive to get it done. And they’ll help, too, if by nothing else than nagging you about it.
  5. Find a support group. A group of like-minded people with similar goals can be a great motivation. Not only will they understand what’s holding you back, they may have tips that can help you overcome your blocks. And if not, chances are they’re struggling with the same things you are, and you can work through them together with the knowledge that it’s not because there’s something wrong with you.
  6. Accept failure graciously — and move on. There’s a chance with any undertaking that you’ll fail. Accept that, and do it anyway. If you do fail, examine the reasons why, and move on. The only real failure is the failure to learn from your mistakes.
  7. Change yourself, not the things around you. Too many people fall into the trap of believing that they can buy their way to happiness — a new product will make them super-organized, a new car will make them feel better about themselves, etc. Change your attitude, not your things– if you’re unorganized, figure out why you have a hard time putting things into a memorable system and change that; if you don’t feel good about yourself, look at your life and what’s not going well, rather than seeking out a remedy that has nothing to do with what’s making you unhappy.
  8. Silence you inner critic. There’s a difference between knowing yourself and undermining yourself. Learn to ignore the nagging voice in your head that says you’re not good enough, smart enough, or good-looking enough to succeed. Set goals, make plans, and move forward in spite of that voice, and soon enough it will start losing its power over you. It might not ever go away, but you don’t have to let it run your life.

Too many of us go through life without reaching success not because there’s something wrong with us but because we’ve failed to define what success even means to us. Instead, we sleepwalk through our days, doing the things that we’ve learned we’re supposed to do, and wondering why none of it feels quite right. If you’ve ever found yourself wondering whether you’re going to have to keep doing the things you do today for the rest of your life, it’s time to sit down and figure out what you’d rather be doing and how to start doing them.

And this year is as good as any to do that. Good luck, and Happy New Year 4 every one!!!!^^

Kamis, 23 September 2010

25 Franchise Makanan Indonesia

Franchise makanan tetap menjadi primadona. Informasi mengenai peluang usaha ini selalu menempati urutan pencarian teratas di internet. Berikut adalah 25 daftar peluang usaha atau waralaba makanan Indonesia. Semua informasi mengacu ke website resmi masing-masing brand. Selamat menggali informasinya. :)

1.Ta B’nana
Ta B’nana adalah Pisang Goreng yang outlook nya berbentuk crispy, dengan bentuk pisang nya yang besar, empuk manis rasa pisang nya serta renyah crispy luar nya. Investasi mulai dari Rp.17.000.000.

2. Donat Bakar
Setelah hampir 5 tahun Donat Bakar bergerak di bidang usaha bakery dengan produk utama donat dan roti, terciptalah Donat Bakar oleh Java Donut’s pada bulan April 2008.Dengan menggunakan konsep Kemitraan Donat Bakar memberikan kesempatan kepada masyarakat untuk bermitra. Investasi mulai dari Rp.7.000.000.

Mitra L3 CIRENG ISI mengklaim menjadi mitra mereka amat mudah. Asal serius, seminggu setelah menandatangani kontrak kerjasama paket usaha tersebut sudah anda dapatkan dan bisa langsung jualan. Investasi mulai dari Rp.4.000.000.

4. Mr Tacoz
Mr Tacoz mengusung tradisi masakan ala mexico di panggung bisnis makanan Indonesia. Berdiri pada tahun 2007 di kota Malang. Investasi mulai dari Rp.20.000.000.

5. Edam Burger
Taglinenya adalah Burgernya Orang Indonesia. Edam Burger menyajikan lapisan makanan yang terdiri dari roti, daging olahan, selembar keju, selada segar, irisan tomat, dan mentimun bagi masyarakat Indonesia. Investasi mulai dari Rp.2.500.000.

6. Pecel Ponorogo Bu Tari
Pecel Ponorogo BU TARI merupakan salah satu anak perusahaan Izzah Group. Bisnis ini telah berjalan lebih dari 5 tahun dan kini ditawarkan kepada investor pasif maupun aktif. Investasi mulai dari Rp.45.000.000.

7. Takeshi Bento
Dikenal sejak tahun 2004 Takeshi Bento meraih pangsa pasar di segmen middle low market. Berdiri dibawah naungan PT. Trivatindo Pratama, perusahaan ini memiliki visi menyajikan makanan Jepang dengan harga yang terjangkau disertai teknik memasak yang cepat dan higienis. Investasi mulai dari Rp.3.000.000.

8. Toper Crepes
Bisnis ini dimulai awal tahun 2008. Sekarang setidaknya sudah memiliki 60 outlet di Jawa dan Luar Jawa. Investasi mulai dari Rp.8.500.000.

9. Lucky Crepes
Lucky Crepes beroperasi sejak 2004 dan mengklaim sudah memiliki mitra lebih dari 100 outlet di seluruh Indonesia dengan produk utama adalah Crepes. Investasi mulai dari Rp.5.500.000.

10.Corner Kebab
Berdiri sejak tahun 2007, outlet Corner kebab bisa anda jumpai di jakarta, surabaya, bandung, sukabumi, cilegon, hingga balikpapan. Kebab adalah makanan khas Timur Tengah dengan komposisi daging panggang yang lezat, sayuran segar dan saus mayonaise. Investasi mulai dari Rp.35.000.000.

11.Tela Tela
Tela Tela beroperasi pertama kali pada September 2005 dengan menjual jajanan dengan berbahan dasar singkong mirip dengan frenchfries. Misinya yaitu menghadirkan produk makanan ketela yang enak dan inovatif. Investasi mulai dari Rp.4.000.000.

12.Bakmi Gila
Restoran Bakmi Gila yang berdiri sejak tahun 2006 menyajikan menu makanan dan minuman Indonesia. Bakmi GILA membuka outlet waralaba pertamanya di Medan November 2008 lalu. Investasi mulai dari Rp.35.000.000.

13. Royal Pohong
Royal Pohong adalah makanan berbahan dasar singkong/pohong yang diolah dengan citarasa yang modern. Terasa renyah di luar, namun bagian dalamnya sungguh lembut dan empuk. Investasi mulai dari Rp.10.000.000.

14. PDO Donat Kentang
Donat merupakan makanan yang disenangi sebagai makanan selingan (snack).Produk P-DO memiliki 5 gula rasa yaitu plain, strawberry, orange, coklat, dan melon. Investasi mulai dari Rp.6.000.000.

15.Asia Martabak Jepang
Asia Martabak Jepang merupakan salah satu dari anak perusahaan PT. Asia Sunrise Indo, yang memulai usahanya sejak 1999 dengan berjualan diatas gerobak kaki lima di depan sebuah swalayan di daerah Metro Soekarno Hatta Bandung.Asia Martabak Jepang mulai mengembangkan sayapnya pada tahun 2002 dengan berdirinya 2 buah counter tambahan. Investasi mulai dari Rp.120.000.000.

16. Mr.Puencheng
Menyajikan menu nasi goreng yang dibakar dipatik dengan api dari gas elpiji dengan tekanan gas O2 (Oksigen) hingga membuat api yang bersih tanpa toksin, sehingga menghasilkan nasi goreng dengan cita rasa yang lezat.Investasi mulai dari Rp.65.000.000.

17.Pisang Goreng Planet-Krispy Kreme
Hidangan pisang goreng yang manis dengan bumbu crispy-nya yang lezat. Investasi mulai dari Rp.7.500.000.

18. Jesslyn K. Cakes
Jesslyn K Cakes adalah produsen kue yang berdiri sejak Agustus 2003. Jesslyn K. Cakes bertekad menjadi perusahaan makanan yang menjadi pilihan utama konsumen dengan memberikan value terbesar kepada konsumen dan mitra usahanya baik di Indonesia maupun di luar negeri. Investasi mulai dari Rp.350.000.000.

19.Steak O
Steak O mengembangkan konsep resto berupa harga terjangkau.STEAK O merupakan paket usaha yang menyajikan menu-menu berbahan dasar daging yang tersaji dengan hot plate. Rp.50.000.000.

20. Nasi Uduk Gondangdia
Nasi Uduk Gondangdia berdiri sejak September 1993. Baru pada Maret 2008, ditawarkan kerjasama dengan sistem franchise. Investasi mulai dari Rp.240.000.000.

21.Cireng Wasiat
Cireng adalah jajanan asli dari bandung. Cireng Wasiat telah memiliki sekitar 30 outlet yang tersebar di Jabodetabek, Banten, hingga Medan. Investasi mulai dari Rp.6.000.000.

22.Kebab Turki Baba Rafi
Kebab Turki Baba Rafi sebuah bisnis makanan cepat saji yang kini semakin dikenal luas. Kebab Turki Baba Rafi telah melebarkan sayap ke Malaysia dengan secara resmi PT. Baba Rafi Indonesia terdaftar sebagai anggota Malaysian Franchise Association. Investasi mulai dari Rp.55.000.000.

23.Waroeng Kebab
Waroeng Kebab hadir sejak tahun 2007 menawarkan pilihan investasi hemat bagi mitra yang tertarik menekuni bisnis kebab. Saat ini Waroeng Kebab terdapat di Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Batam, Pekanbaru, dan Banjar. Investasi mulai dari Rp.25.000.000.

24.Cireng Kodjo
Cireng Kodjo adalah sebuah nama dagang untuk suatu produk makanan tradisional khas Jawa Barat. Ada 4 paket investasi yang bisa anda dapatkan jika bergabung. Investasi mulai dari Rp.1.500.000.

25. Tofuku
Resep Tofuku merupakan resep keluarga yang didalamnya tercampur 7 bahan rempah berkualitas. Tepung Tofuku diracik dari bahan-bahan alami pilihan tanpa bahan pengawet dan tanpa bahan kimia untuk menambah krispi tepungnya. Investasi mulai dari Rp.5.000.000.

Entrepreneur’s 2010 Franchise 500 Top 10

Entrepreneur’s 2010 Franchise 500 Top 10

#1: Subway

With an estimated 40 new stores opening each week around the world, Subway is still expanding like crazy, powered by its healthful message and trend-setting $5 Footlong program. This year, the company is girding for battle as it considers rolling out its breakfast subs nationally.

Did you know? In early 2010, Subway will surpass McDonald’s as the fast-food chain with the most outlets worldwide.

Number of franchises: 31,445
Franchising since: 1974
Startup costs: $84,300 to $258,300
2009 rank: #1

#2: McDonald’s

McDonald’s posted a 6 percent increase in profits in the third quarter of 2009, thanks in part to the national launches of its McCafe espresso drinks and Angus Third Pounders. And while other restaurants closed units, McDonald’s opened more than 900 U.S. locations and 1,000 internationally.

Did you know? Willard Scott was the original Ronald McDonald, back in 1963.

Number of franchises: 25,801
Franchising since: 1955
Startup costs: $995,900-1,842,700
2009 rank: #2

#3: 7-Eleven Inc.

The key to 7-Eleven’s growth may be in the way the Dallas-based convenience-store chain handles its franchisees: A generous in-house financing program means that once franchisees pay the initial fees, they can use the company’s revolving credit line for inventory, setup costs and expansions.

Did you know? Winnipeg is the Slurpee capital of the world–each 7-Eleven there sells about 8,300 slushies a month.

Number of franchises: 35,141
Franchising since: 1964
Startup costs: $40,500-775,300
2009 rank: #30

#4: Hampton Inn/Hampton Inn & Suites

The strategy for this Hilton-owned hotel chain is to keep standards high so that business travelers who have traded down to this value brand keep coming back after the recession ends and those who already appreciate it stay happy. It seems to be working: In 2009, Hampton added 150 new hotels

Did you know? When guests at a Wisconsin Hampton Inn complained about loudly mooing cows, a clerk went outside and milked them.

Number of franchises: 1,636
Franchising since: 1984
Startup costs: $3,716,000-13,148,800
2009 rank: #21

#5: Supercuts

Low-cost hair salon Supercuts is the jewel in the crown of Regis Corp.’s nine franchise brands, snipping more than 3 million heads of hair each month. During the last year, as other scissor shops have slipped, Supercuts has managed to plant 80 new barber poles across the country.

Did you know? In October, a Houston Supercuts earned a Guinness World Record by bobbing 349 heads of hair in 24 hours.

Number of franchises: 1,028
Franchising since: 1979
Startup costs: $111,000-239,700
2009 rank: #29

#6: H & R Block

No matter what shape the economy is in, tax returns to the IRS grow by about 1 percent a year. Add that to the ever-shifting maze of tax laws, and you’ve got a recipe for consistent growth for the tax prep biz, something H & R Block and its franchisees have capitalized on since the 1950’s.

Did you know? H & R Block prepares one out of seven tax returns in the U.S.

Number of franchises: 4,502
Franchising since: 1956
Startup costs: $26,427-84,094
2009 rank: Not Ranked

#7: Dunkin’ Donuts

Dunkin’ sells more black coffee each year than any other restaurant in the country, and it has penetrated only 35 percent of the U.S. market. That leaves a lot of room to grow. But the company is taking it slow; in 2009, it focused more on cutting costs for franchisees and fine-tuning its value menus.

Did you know? Dunkin’ shops in Korea sell “croquettes” filled with fiery kimchi (that is, fermented cabbage).

Number of franchises: 8,924
Franchising since: 1955
Startup costs: $537,750-1,765,300
2009 rank: #36

#8: Jani-King

After 23 years on top of our commercial cleaning category, Jani-King is harnessing new technology to push its mop brigade forward. Last year, it opened a 24-hour call center to help franchisees with scheduling. This year, it will unveil an interactive website and video conferencing equipment in 120 regional offices.

Did you know? Founder Jim Cavanaugh owns one of the largest collections of antique fighter planes in the U.S.

Number of franchises: 13,046
Franchising since: 1974
Startup costs: $11,400-35,050
2009 rank: 15

#9: Servpro

You could call Servpro a late bloomer: The 40-year-old company launched its first national advertising campaign just five years ago, and its first international expansion is planned for this year. Still, Servpro’s the largest player in the disaster restoration biz, and 2009 was its first billion-dollar year.

Did you know? After Sept. 11, Servpro dried and cleaned 300,000 square feet of the Pentagon.

Number of franchises: 1,478
Franchising since: 1969
Startup costs: $102,250-161,150
2009 rank: 28

#10: ampm Mini Market

Eighteen months ago, after 26 years of expanding in five western states, ampm decided to drive into eight new U.S. markets by franchising 250 company-owned BP Connect convenience stores. The company hopes the franchisees can serve as anchors for even further expansion.

Did you know? Last year, ampm sold 18 million hot dogs, enough to build a tubesteak railroad across the state of Washington.

Number of franchises: 2,956
Franchising since: 1979
Startup costs: $1,835,823-7,615,065
2009 rank: 35

Five Tips To Build Your Business Smarts

The young entrepreneur with the growing company and the old advisor with many entrepreneurs as clients came together to talk about building a business successfully.

Blunder #1: Being too cheap in the early stages

Whether you are an individual or run a company, you need expert advice early to set your business up successfully. A small amount of guidance can save you time and help avoid major problems later.

Talk to a CPA, an attorney, your local economic development agency, check out the SBA, and even experts specific to your business, and learn the basics.

Don’t wait until the government is after you or you are facing your first lawsuit.

Being a business owner can be downright scary. Spend a little upfront to reduce your risks – and raise your comfort level.

Blunder #2: Not learning all you can about marketing, branding, and selling

Selling scares a lot of us. Marketing sounds so expensive and confusing. And branding seems a little too hyped to be real.

Yet every solopreneur and entrepreneur needs to know how to use each of these effectively for their own work and success.

Fortunately, the resources to learn about these aspects of promoting your business effectively are easily available. Start with some self-education. There are a lot of great tools online and even at your local library.

Once you have a basic understanding, decide what is most likely to work well for you.

Define your needs and goals. Create a plan. Develop your materials. Hire those services you need for support.

Blunder #3: Not networking

Each of them told their friends about their new businesses. But that is not enough! You need to be actively engaging your network.

Take all that you learned in marketing and branding above and start actually talking to people about your brand and your new ideas. Ask for their ideas and suggestions. As you build, you can also ask for specific contacts and then referrals.

Get out there to relevant professional meetings and events.

Ask questions.

Make connections.

Go to local business events where your target clients are likely to be and do the same.

Learn about social media and how to use it effectively. This is a great way to build and maintain your networks while also enhancing your marketing. Develop a plan so it doesn’t become a time sink, though.

Blunder #4: Not knowing your full value

One realized

her clients were frequently surprised at her business acumen – somehow they expect her to only know one type of thing. And so she realized she was not effectively conveying her full value to potential clients.

The other’s staff recognized before she did

what a great evangelist she was and how responsive potential clients were to her ideas.

It is vital that you figure out what makes you different and what added value you offer.

Talk with friends, past mentors, and others who know you well. Ask them for the 5-6 words that describe you and see which you can weave into your branding. Research what your potential clients are seeking.

Better yet, tap into your strengths and present them as solutions to issues clients face.

Blunder #5: Not learning from your mistakes

All business owners make mistakes. We’re only human, even if we have to pretend to be superhuman.

We mess things up and sometimes it takes us awhile to admit that we did. Many businesses continue to make the same mistakes instead of being open to realizing them and changing their ways.

Be a business owner who can see through pride, worry, excitement and exhaustion and see what needs to be fixed, where things could be better and how you could improve.

Be proactive. The more you learn about yourself and your business, the better chance you have to succeed.

Senin, 18 Januari 2010


inilah hidup....

sperti kertas putih yg hrus d isi......

sperti blog yang hasrus pnya entry....
cpe dech...

it's my Life....

Later on I will put my photos, more and more....

Rabu, 09 Desember 2009

Qp mZt bGni...

must begin in first step....